没想到这个决定却是悲剧的开始,按照百度PCS的API文档写了半天,没想到PCS开通居然审核了一周多还不通过! 联系客服,没想到他们的PCS API已经不审核新的申请了!再次吐槽下,你不审核,申请的时候就不能给个提示么!!! 遂放弃!
- 获取未授权的临时 token;
- 用户登陆并授权你的应用;
- 根据临时 token换取真实的 access_token。
Name | Required | Type and Limit | Description |
oauth_consumer_key | Y | string | 第1步的 consumer_key |
oauth_signature | Y | string | 本次请求的签名,生成方法请参考附录-签名生成算法 |
oauth_timestamp | Y | int | 时间戳,正整数,和标准时间不超过5分钟 |
oauth_nonce | Y | string | [ 0-9A-Za-z_ ]随机字符串,长度小于32字节。每次请求请使用不同的nonce |
- 计算串基
- 根据串基按HMAC-SHA1获取签名并使用bash64和url_encode 转码
Linux shell中处理url_encode 没有太好的办法,我索性就写了一个函数用sed处理了,代码如下:
#url encode function url_encode { url=$1 echo -n $(echo -n "$url" | sed 's/\%/\%25/g'|sed 's/&/\%26/g' |sed 's/:/\%3A/g' |sed 's/\//\%2F/g'| sed 's/=/\%3D/g' |sed 's/ /\%20/g' |sed 's/@/\%40/g' |sed 's/+/\%2B/g' |sed 's/\*/\%2A/g') }
拼接字符串基可归结为:请求方式&url_encode(请求URL)&(url_encode(参数1+参数2… ))
function get_signature { method=$1 url=$2 data=$3 token_secret=$4 baseUrl="$1&$(url_encode "$2")&$(url_encode "$3")" signature=$(echo -n $baseUrl | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary -hmac "$APP_CONSUMER_SECRET&$token_secret" |base64) echo -n $(url_encode $signature) }
Curl –s –S –L –d “参数” “请求的URL” –o “本地缓存文件”
#!/usr/bin/env bash # # KuaiPan Uploader # #=========================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2014-2015 wangheng <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Kuaipan Uploader source code. # # Kuaipan Uploader is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # Kuaipan Uploader is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # FileName: kuaipan_uploader.sh # Desc: API Doc is: http://www.kuaipan.cn/developers/document.htm # Author: wangheng # Email: [email protected] # HomePage: http://wangheng.org # Version: 1.0.1 # LastChange: 2015-05-09 09:34:59 # History: #=========================================================================== #配置文件. CONFIG_FILE=~/.kuaipan_upload.conf RESPONSE_FILE="/tmp/resp_kuaipan" COOKIE_FILE="/tmp/kuaipan.cookie" Version="1.0.1" #使用整个快盘此处填"kuaipan",使用应用目录填"app_folder" ROOT_DIR="app_folder" #这里改为你自己应用的consumer_key和consumer_secret_key APP_CONSUMER_KEY="xc0kwh2EAKlTQqCd" APP_CONSUMER_SECRET="6mnnfufVvWzPzOgb" #授权相关 API_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL="https://openapi.kuaipan.cn/open/requestToken" API_USER_AUTH_URL="https://www.kuaipan.cn/api.php?ac=open&op=authorise&oauth_token=" API_AUTH_TOKEN_URL="https://openapi.kuaipan.cn/open/accessToken" #统计信息相关 API_ACCOUNT_INFO_URL="http://openapi.kuaipan.cn/1/account_info" API_METADATA_URL="http://openapi.kuaipan.cn/1/metadata" #上传、下载、删除 API_UPLOAD_REQUEST_URL="http://api-content.dfs.kuaipan.cn/1/fileops/upload_locate" API_DOWNLOAD_URL="http://api-content.dfs.kuaipan.cn/1/fileops/download_file" API_DELETE_FILE_URL="http://openapi.kuaipan.cn/1/fileops/delete" Dependents="curl sed awk basename date grep tr od openssl base64" CURL="curl" #检查程序的依赖项 for i in $Dependents; do which $i > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Error: $i Not Found" exit 1 fi done #清理环境 if [ -f "$RESPONSE_FILE" ]; then rm -f $RESPONSE_FILE fi #==========通用方法======== function get_json_value() { KEY=$1 echo $(cat $RESPONSE_FILE| sed 's/ //g'| sed -n 's/.*'$KEY'":"\([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\/:]*\)".*/\1/p') } #get unix timestamp function unix_time { echo $(date +%s) } #url encode function url_encode { url=$1 echo -n $(echo -n "$url" | sed 's/\%/\%25/g'|sed 's/&/\%26/g' |sed 's/:/\%3A/g' |sed 's/\//\%2F/g'| sed 's/=/\%3D/g' |sed 's/ /\%20/g' |sed 's/@/\%40/g' |sed 's/+/\%2B/g' |sed 's/\*/\%2A/g') #echo -ne $(echo $url |tr -d '\n' |od -An -tx1 |tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' |tr ' ' \%) } #url decode function url_decode { url=$1 echo -ne $(echo -n $url | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/\(%\)\([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]\)/\\x\2/g')"\n" } function get_signature { method=$1 url=$2 data=$3 token_secret=$4 baseUrl="$1&$(url_encode "$2")&$(url_encode "$3")" signature=$(echo -n $baseUrl | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary -hmac "$APP_CONSUMER_SECRET&$token_secret" |base64) echo -n $(url_encode $signature) } function account_setup { #1. 获取未授权的临时 token; DATA="oauth_consumer_key=$APP_CONSUMER_KEY&oauth_nonce=$RANDOM&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=$(unix_time)&oauth_version=1.0" oauth_signature=$(get_signature 'GET' $API_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL "$DATA") $CURL -k -s -S --globoff -L -G -d "$DATA&oauth_signature=$oauth_signature" "$API_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL" -o "$RESPONSE_FILE" tmp_oauth_token=$(get_json_value 'oauth_token') tmp_oauth_token_secret=$(get_json_value 'oauth_token_secret') #2. 浏览器访问URL获取授权 echo -ne "\nVisit this URL from your Browser, and login with your kuaipan account\n" echo -ne "\n --> $API_USER_AUTH_URL$tmp_oauth_token \n" echo -ne "\nPress enter when done...\n" read #3. 获取真实oauth_token DATA="oauth_consumer_key=$APP_CONSUMER_KEY&oauth_nonce=$RANDOM&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=$(unix_time)&oauth_token=$tmp_oauth_token" oauth_signature=$(get_signature 'GET' $API_AUTH_TOKEN_URL "$DATA" $tmp_oauth_token_secret) $CURL -k -s -S -L -G -d "$DATA&oauth_signature=$oauth_signature" $API_AUTH_TOKEN_URL -o "$RESPONSE_FILE" OAUTH_TOKEN=$(get_json_value 'oauth_token') OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET=$(get_json_value 'oauth_token_secret') if [ -n "$OAUTH_TOKEN" -a -n "$OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET" -a -n "$APP_CONSUMER_KEY" ]; then echo -ne "Congratulations!!! login succeed!\n" #Saving data echo "APP_CONSUMER_KEY:$APP_CONSUMER_KEY" > "$CONFIG_FILE" echo "APP_CONSUMER_SECRET:$APP_CONSUMER_SECRET" >> "$CONFIG_FILE" echo "OAUTH_TOKEN:$OAUTH_TOKEN" >> "$CONFIG_FILE" echo "OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET:$OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET" >> "$CONFIG_FILE" echo -ne "All saved as $CONFIG_FILE!\n\n" else echo -ne "Unfortunately!!! login failed! please retray or contact [email protected] for help! \n\n" fi } function account_relink { echo -ne "Warrning: \nAre you sure? [y/n]y" read aw if [ "$aw" == "n" ];then echo -ne "Cancelled! \n" else rm -f "$CONFIG_FILE" account_setup fi } #========== First Setup ========== #先检查本地是否存在配置文件 if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then APP_CONSUMER_KEY=$(sed -n 's/APP_CONSUMER_KEY:\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)/\1/p' "$CONFIG_FILE") APP_CONSUMER_SECRET=$(sed -n 's/APP_CONSUMER_SECRET:\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)/\1/p' "$CONFIG_FILE") OAUTH_TOKEN=$(sed -n 's/OAUTH_TOKEN:\([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*\)/\1/p' "$CONFIG_FILE") OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET=$(sed -n 's/OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET:\([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*\)/\1/p' "$CONFIG_FILE") if [ -z "$APP_CONSUMER_KEY" -o -z "$APP_CONSUMER_SECRET" -o -z "$OAUTH_TOKEN" -o -z "$OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET" ]; then echo -ne "Cannot loading data from $CONFIG_FILE...\n" echo -ne "Please run [$0 relink] to retray! \n" exit 1 fi #新用户,获取Token并保存到配置文件 else account_setup fi #========= OAUTH API 功能实现 ========= function get_common_oauthdata { echo "oauth_consumer_key=$APP_CONSUMER_KEY&oauth_nonce=$RANDOM&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=$(unix_time)&oauth_token=$OAUTH_TOKEN" } #获取用户信息 function account_info() { OAUTH_DATA="oauth_consumer_key=$APP_CONSUMER_KEY&oauth_nonce=$RANDOM&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=$(unix_time)&oauth_token=$OAUTH_TOKEN" signature=$(get_signature 'GET' $API_ACCOUNT_INFO_URL "$OAUTH_DATA" $OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) $CURL -k -s -S -G -L -d "$OAUTH_DATA&oauth_signature=$signature" "$API_ACCOUNT_INFO_URL" -o "$RESPONSE_FILE" userName=$(sed -n 's/.*user_name":"\([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\@]*\)".*/\1/p' $RESPONSE_FILE) let quota_total=$(sed -n 's/.*quota_total":\([0-9]*\),.*/\1/p' $RESPONSE_FILE)/1024/1024/1024 let quota_used=$(sed -n 's/.*quota_used":\([0-9]*\),.*/\1/p' $RESPONSE_FILE)/1024/1024/1024 echo "" echo "User Name: $userName" echo "Total Quota: $quota_total GB" echo "Used Quota: $quota_used GB" echo "" } #文件上传 function file_upload { local overwrite=$1 local file_Local=$2 local file_Remote=$3 if [ -z "$file_Remote" ]; then file_Remote=$(basename "$file_Local") fi OAUTH_DATA=$(get_common_oauthdata) signature=$(get_signature 'GET' $API_UPLOAD_REQUEST_URL "$OAUTH_DATA" $OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) $CURL -k -s -S -G -L -d "$OAUTH_DATA&oauth_signature=$signature" "$API_UPLOAD_REQUEST_URL" -o "$RESPONSE_FILE" upload_url=$(get_json_value "url")"1/fileops/upload_file" #echo $upload_url OAUTH_DATA="oauth_consumer_key=$APP_CONSUMER_KEY&oauth_nonce=$RANDOM&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=$(unix_time)&oauth_token=$OAUTH_TOKEN&overwrite=$overwrite&path=$(url_encode $file_Remote)&root=app_folder" signature=$(get_signature 'POST' $upload_url "$OAUTH_DATA" $OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) $CURL -k --progress-bar -i -o "$RESPONSE_FILE" -F "file=@$file_Local" "$upload_url?$OAUTH_DATA&oauth_signature=$signature" grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" "$RESPONSE_FILE" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -ne "--Upload Success.\n" else echo -ne "--Upload Failed.\n" echo -ne "--Error occurred while uploading $file_Local.\n" exit 1 fi #cat $RESPONSE_FILE } #下载文件 function file_download { local file_Remote=$1 local file_Local=$2 echo -ne "Begin to download $file_Remote...\n" OAUTH_DATA=$(get_common_oauthdata)"&path=$(url_encode $file_Remote)&root=$ROOT_DIR" signature=$(get_signature 'GET' $API_DOWNLOAD_URL "$OAUTH_DATA" $OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) #$CURL -S -L -v -G -d "$OAUTH_DATA&oauth_signature=$signature" "$API_DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "$file_Local" $CURL -L --compressed --progress-bar -G -D "$RESPONSE_FILE" -d "$OAUTH_DATA&oauth_signature=$signature" "$API_DOWNLOAD_URL" --cookie-jar "$COOKIE_FILE" -o "$file_Local" rm -f $COOKIE_FILE grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" "$RESPONSE_FILE" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -ne "--Download Success.\n" else echo -ne "--Download Failed.\n" exit 1 fi } #删除文件 function file_delete { local file_Remote=$1 OAUTH_DATA=$(get_common_oauthdata)"&path=$file_Remote&root=$ROOT_DIR" signature=$(get_signature 'GET' $API_DELETE_FILE_URL "$OAUTH_DATA" $OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) $CURL -k -s -S -i -S -L -G -d "$OAUTH_DATA&oauth_signature=$signature" "$API_DELETE_FILE_URL" -o "$RESPONSE_FILE" grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" "$RESPONSE_FILE" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -ne "\033[0;32;1m--Delete Success.\033[0m\n" else echo -ne "\033[0;31;1m--Delete Failed.\033[0m\n" exit 1 fi echo "" } #显示文件夹信息,默认显示根目录 function show_list { local remote_path=$1 local metaUrl="$API_METADATA_URL/$ROOT_DIR/$remote_path" OAUTH_DATA=$(get_common_oauthdata) signature=$(get_signature 'GET' $metaUrl "$OAUTH_DATA" $OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) $CURL -k -s -S -G -L -d "$OAUTH_DATA&oauth_signature=$signature" "$metaUrl" -o "$RESPONSE_FILE" sed 's/,/\n/g' $RESPONSE_FILE|grep name|awk -F ':' '{print $2}'|tr -d '"'|tr "\n" "\t"|sed 's/$/\n/' } #===================================== function usage() { echo -e "KuaiPan Uploader v$Version" echo -e "wangheng - [email protected]\n" echo -e "Usage: $0 COMMAND [PARAMETERS]..." echo -e "\nCommands:" echo -e "\t upload [local file] <remote file>" echo -e "\t download [remote file] <local file>" echo -e "\t delete [remote file/remote dir]" echo -e "\t list <remote dir>" echo -e "\t info" echo -e "\t relink" echo -en "\nFor more informations, please visit \033[0;32;1m http://wangheng.org.\033[0m \n\n" exit 1 } #===============Main ================= COMMAND=$1 case $COMMAND in upload) file_Local=$2 file_Remote=$3 #检查本地文件是否存在 if [ ! -f "$file_Local" ]; then echo -e "Error: Please specify a valid source file!" exit 1 fi file_upload "True" "$file_Local" "$file_Remote" ;; download) file_Remote=$2 file_Local=$3 if [ -z "$file_Remote" ]; then echo -ne "Error: Please input a valid remote file.\n" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$file_Local" ]; then file_Local=$(basename "$file_Remote") fi file_download "$file_Remote" "$file_Local" ;; info) account_info ;; delete) file_Remote=$2 if [ -z "$file_Remote" ]; then echo -ne "Error: Please input a valid remote file.\n" exit 1 fi file_delete "$file_Remote" ;; list) RemoteDir=$2 if [ -z "$RemoteDir" ]; then RemoteDir="/" fi show_list "$RemoteDir" ;; relink) account_relink ;; *) usage ;; esac